April 24, 2020
(Austin) – En respuesta a la pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19), Central Health ha lanzado una aplicación en línea para el Programa de Acceso Médico (MAP, por sus siglas en inglés) y para MAP BASIC. A partir de ahora, los habitantes del Condado de Travis pueden aplicar para cobertura médica desde la seguridad de su hogar […]
April 24, 2020
(Austin) – In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Central Health has launched an online application for the Medical Access Program (MAP) and MAP BASIC. Available now, Travis County residents can apply for health coverage from the safety of their homes at apply4map.net. “Since March 1, MAP enrollment has been increasing and we want to […]
April 16, 2020
(Austin) – Los Centros de Salud CommUnityCare, financiados por Central Health, anunciaron la reapertura de algunas de sus clínicas que habían sido cerradas temporalmente en respuesta a la pandemia del COVID-19, y también estarán abriendo nuevas ubicaciones para hacer pruebas por ventanilla en el Este del Condado de Travis. El Centro de Salud Hornsby Bend […]
April 15, 2020
*Hours and services reflected in this press release may have changed since it was issued. Please refer to https://communitycaretx.org/coronavirus-updates/ for the latest information about testing provided by CommUnityCare. (Austin) – Central Health-funded CommUnityCare Health Centers next week is opening more drive-up testing sites in Eastern Travis County. CommUnityCare announced drive-up testing will be offered Monday through […]
April 2, 2020
CONTACT: Bill Noble for Sendero Health 512-296-4651 cell bnoble@noblestrategic.com All of the Austin-area community health plan’s members will not have to meet deductibles nor pay 20 to 30 percent of cost of treatment (Austin, TX) – Sendero Health Plans, the community-based non-profit health maintenance organization serving the Austin-area, announced today that the company’s Board of […]